Thursday, November 20, 2008

Amist the swirling dark, an alien's eye opened.

Hey Everybody!

Yes, yes, yes, I'm sure you're thinking that the above title may be a little cliche, but it perfectly
describes the birth of this blog. I sit alone here in my kitchen, (quiet except for the futile meowings of my cats at the basement door (no, its time for bed guys) and the ever-present hum of the snazzy, new refrigerator my wife loves more than me), in the dead of night bringing something to light that I should have a very long time ago and for someone who is ungodly special in my life.

An amazing amount of chaos has been boiling around this day and after a small downtime in Azeroth, it came to a head later this evening. Regardless of the exact nature and details of the events, they have given me the push I needed to begin these writings.

What writings are these you may ask? Wellllllll, this blog is going to be my personal account of my duration here on Earth, a digital voice for my push for a greater acceptance and understanding by people of things not of themselves, and it will act as a shameless plug-area for my alien art and creature creations, (and of course, their stories.)

Also, I hope this will be a strong buttress for the main portal/website I will be creating later on. Yet, for now, sit back, stay a spell, enjoy some aliens, and let me know what you think as this experiment unfolds.

Sincerely, Mathew